Former British prime minister Tony Blair's so-monthly month in Dublin at the launch of his memoirs, entitled A Journey. Violence broke out between demonstrators and police at the signing ceremony for the memoir's first public.
Residents are upset "because the decision of the UK Tony Blair dragged ridiculous war in Iraq" was throwing eggs and their shoes.
Three people were arrested after they break through security barriers around 10:45 pm today outside the bookstore in Eason O'Connell Street, Dublin, Ireland. The demonstrators, ranging from anti-war demonstrators to Continuity IRA is opposed to the Northern Ireland peace process, the Guards marched to police headquarters in downtown demanding the release of three people arrested.
Police officers had previously been dragged some protesters from the streets. The protesters chanted "Hey hey hey Tony, how many kids you killed today?"
Approximately 400 people lined up around the store in the Middle Abbey Street to meet Blair. They were verbally abused by some left-wing demonstrators who denounced them as "Brits west".
They call the memoirs of Blair's buyers are "dumb" and "traitor". After the riots, the city tram service was stopped and the surrounding shops were also closed.
Buyer's memoirs in a signing ceremony to hand bags and cell phones before entering the store. Deployed an undercover detective and mingle with the crowd before Blair arrived at around 10:30. But in fact this attempt failed and kerusuhanpun rupture.
In his memoir, A Journey, Blair defend his decision to go to war with Iraq in 2003. The book, released earlier this week, has become one of the fastest-selling autobiography in the history of book publishing in England.
Before signing he's angry anti-war movement in Ireland, with comments on Irish TV. During an interview on RTE, Mr Blair warned that Iran is now one of the biggest sponsor of radical Islamic state. This must be prevented from developing nuclear weapons, even if that means taking military action, he said.
Blair defended the decision to invade Iraq in 2003, although Saddam Hussein had no weapons of mass destruction. He tried to convince the audience that he was acting against the one million people who walk against the war because he could not make a decision "based on who shout the loudest."
Blair, who was greeted by about 50 protesters at the RTE studios, also denied that he was "cold blooded" and said he did not believe that he is a war criminal.
Plunged the British regarded the Iraq war, Tony Blair pelted with eggs and Shoes
tony blair